Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Joy of Baking

Ever since my college days, I had enjoyed cooking, especially baking. I particularly enjoy baking in the middle of the night, when it's quiet. Then, it normally ends up waking the whole house with the whisking and beating and blending in the kitchen. But as soon as the mates saw me baking, their rage turned into joy, knowing that there would be banana bread for breakfast or chocolate chips cookies for snacks the next day.

I like the step-by-step approach of baking; it’s very systematic and organized. Just follow the recipe of mixing and blending the ingredients and then baking them in an oven. Voila! Minutes later the house will be filled with the wonderful aroma of the freshly baked cake or cookies. There’s something reassuring about the whole process, for the fact that if you work on it properly and diligently, delightful result is guaranteed. That’s certainly a spirit picker-upper when I feel I’m stuck at stuff I’m working on, be it writing, dealing with people, studying or slaving at work.

Baking is very fun as you are allowed to experiment with different ingredients and portions. You can triple the chocolate chips (always a good thing) or replace the nuts with raisin or use brandy instead of juice for the extra kick. Hence I find baking therapeutic, as you can express yourself according to your desire and mood at that instant. Do whatever you feel like, be creative, let your imagination run wild, and push the envelope.

I just bought “The Joy of Cooking” a couple of weeks ago and so far had been churning out a banana bread and a batch of chocolate cookies. Yummy! At the end of the day, I like baking simply because I like to eat!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the link. I will add your site to mine, and I will take a better look at your blog later.

Many thanks!

Best wishes,

The Mystic Traveller

恩妮 said...

wow! u really enjoy it.. the joy of cooking!
nice cookies! share more recipe..coz, i cant cook! haha

Boonsky said...

I'm totally in control when I'm baking. I like that feeling.

I've got OCD. Muahahahahahaha...

Take a crack at it, you might enjoy it too!

Adventure Kate said...

Hi Boonsky

Glad you bought the "Joy of Cooking" it's one of my favourites...and by the way, I am starting to crasp how this whole blog thing works.


Boonsky said...

Hi Kate! Thanks for dropping by and glad to know that you are enjoying my blog. I built a carrot cake over the weekend. Something was missing but couldn't put my finger on it. Puzzling! Until the cake was 3/4 gone, I found the missing piece: cream cheese frosting! ;o)

Hope to read about your blog soon.

Hanapatria said...

Yumm! Anyway, everything is under control, I finally shed three pounds:-)