Monday, August 14, 2006

Oldies, Old Days and ...

As it’s a 4-hour drive from Kuantan to KL, I hit the road early in the morning yesterday, alone. I cranked up the radio to full blast to keep myself awake. Playing on the air were strings of Hong Kong and Taiwanese pop tunes, beautiful melodies and poetic lyrics.

There was a line in a song which loosely translated to while we hold the glitters and sparkles in our hands; our hearts turn barren and bleak which struck a chord with me. How true?! Materialism and individualism take up so much space in our heads that there is no room for spiritual growth anymore. What spiritual growth?

I realized I was drumming my fingers on the steering wheel earlier, then humming along later and now singing along, out loud! The DJ then came on and said that the program plays pop tunes from the 70s and 80s. Great songs live through decades, even eons. Ah… I did listen to these numbers during my teen years. No wonder I could sing along. They brought back loads of memories from those days, flashing in my head.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over me; “Damn! I’m old.”

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