Sunday, May 25, 2008

Missing the Champs

My sister R and her family moved in with me unannounced. I just got a call from R that afternoon, they were already in my place doing all the cleaning. Imagine my panic as I was scanning every inch of the condo in my head for whatever stuff they might have discovered while scrubbing my place spotless. But when I got back that night, I got a double surprise hug from the twins. That was lovely. We had been spending loads of time together since of course.

Just as they moved in swiftly and unannounced, they were just as quick in moving out. I came back to a empty quiet place on Saturday morning (after spending a night out). After more then a month of camping at my place, R and her family move back into their new place, as the touching up of the renovation was completed.

Finally, they moved out.

Liberty regained and yeah, I can finally walk around the house naked again!

But the euphoria faded just as swiftly. The silence in the room sank in really rapidly. The air in the room is thick with loneliness. It's tough adjusting to that again. As I now sitting in the living room, I realized Uncle Boonsky wasn't there to wave and kiss them goodbye.

I miss their energy talking, no shouting endlessly and running around. I miss roughhousing with them playing pile up. I missed them hugging me and kissing me good night. I miss correcting them saying may I have something instead of saying I want I want. I miss those sheepish faces when they said may I after I corrected them. I miss calling the good one the champ and the bad one the chump.

A and J, I miss you two champs very much.


Unknown said...

Oh, lonely uncle Boonsky huh!


Boonsky said...

Yeah, indeed. The place is all quiet with the 2 screaming little monsters.