Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hitting the Wall

Hitting the wall, at work. I'm not that fit to run a marathon yet, though I'd really love to. Well, that's another story. Anyway this wall at work came in the form of an email from a fellow colleague from another team. I've spent a solid day going through his field data, looking for opportunities for some quick and cheap production enhancement. Then I had one of his team's engineer over for a sit-down and hammering out an implementation plan. We were making good headway and we were excited about it.

Then came that email. Yup, we hit the wall, head on. Disappointed, yes. Discourage, yes. Furious, no. I'm not even annoyed the slightest bit that my work was down the drain. What kept me wondering was that he bitched because he thinks my team is not helping his team. But when I did help, he didn't want them, citing operation constraint. Oh whatever.

Hey, c'est la vie. Life goes on.

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